
Advanced simultaneous multifrequency Eddy Current Test System for In-service inspection of heat exchangers and steam generators Remote Field Eddy Current Tests for ferromagnetic tubes General purpose static eddy current tests Rotating probe / dynamic tests Conductivity and Coating thickness measurement
INSIS-EX is a powerful leading-edge multi-frequency multichannel eddy current test system ideally suited for manual or automatic in-service inspection of steam generator / heat exchanger / BOP tubes.
Up to four frequencies can be used simultaneously for testing with up to 8 differential and absolute channels at very high sampling rates. Multiplexing extends the capability to up to 256 channels at 128 test frequecies.
Up to 4 probes/coils can be used with the system which is compatible with bridge, send-receive, rotating or array probes, making it extremely versatile. Remote field eddy current inspection is supported through a compact external amplifier.
Software includes data acquisition, storage, automatic analysis, tubesheet mapper, history compare and reporting. It optionally supports probe pusher and robotic manipulators for use in hazardous areas. TCP/IP servers accept connects from remote PCs on Internet or Intranet over ethernet.
- In-service inspection of steam generators and heat exchangers
- Remote Field Eddy Current tests of ferromagnetic tubes
- General purpose static eddy current tests
- Rotating probe / dynamic tests
- Conductivity measurement
- Coating thickness measurement
- Inspection of tube-to-tube sheet joint with virtually rotating VIRAT probe
- Tests with bridge, send-receive, rotating or array probes
- High speed inspection due to fast sampling rates
- Simultaneous Injection or Multiplexed operation
- Automatic setup for ASME calibration tubes
- Three automatic mixers provide flexibility
- Automatic analysis with flagging of flaws
- Animated slow-motion signal replay
- Total data integrity with indelible timestamps
- Generate power reports with tubemaps
- Online manual and context-sensitive help
- Intuitive user-configurable displays
- Scalable architecture: Choose the right system
- Windows Professional platform
- Stay connected from anywhere in the world
- Get e-mailed reports at scheduled times
- Optional support for robotic manipulators
- Optional support for automatic pusher-pullers
- Ultimate versatility for all eddy current tests
- Remote field testing at multiple frequencies
Technical Data
Frequency Range 55 Hz to 6 MHz
Number of Channels
Simultaneous Up to 16 (8 differential + 8 absolute)
Up to 8 frequencies
Multiplexed Up to 512 (256 differential + 256 absolute),
Up to 256 frequencies
Number of Probes / Coils Up to 8 simultaneously
Sampling Rates
Simultaneous Up to 50K samples/sec
Multiplexed Up to 15K samples/sec
Data Resolution 14-bit
Signal Gain 0 to 86 dB in 0.5 dB steps
Phase Rotation 0 to 359 degrees in 1 degree steps
Automatic Mixers 3 mixers real-time and post-acquisition
Differential Sector-and-amplitude
Absolute Amplitude
Data presentation X-Y, strip-chart, 3D C-Scan, waterfall
- High speed inspection due to fast sampling rates
- Simultaneous Injection or Multiplexed operation
- Automatic setup for ASME calibration tubes
- Three automatic mixers provide flexibility
- Automatic analysis with flagging of flaws
- Animated slow-motion signal replay
- Total data integrity with indelible timestamps
- Generate power reports with tubemaps
- Online manual and context-sensitive help
- Intuitive user-configurable displays
- Scalable architecture: Choose the right system
- Windows Professional platform
- Stay connected from anywhere in the world
- Get e-mailed reports at scheduled times
- Optional support for robotic manipulators
- Optional support for automatic pusher-pullers
- Ultimate versatility for all eddy current tests
- Remote field testing at multiple frequencies
Technical Data
Frequency Range: 55 Hz to 6 MHz
Number of Channels: Simultaneous: Up to 16 (8 differential + 8 absolute), Up to 8 frequencies Ι Multiplexed: Up to 512 (256 differential + 256 absolute), Up to 256 frequencies
Number of Probes / Coils: Up to simultaneously
Sampling Rates: Simultaneous: Up to 50K samples/sec Ι Multiplexed: Up to 15K samples/sec
Data Resolution: 14-bit
Signal Gain: 0 to 86 dB in 0.5 dB steps
Phase Rotation: 0 to 359 degrees in 1 degree steps
Automatic Mixers: 3 mixers real-time and post-acquisition
Thresholds: Differential: Sector-and-amplitude Ι Absolute: Amplitude
Data presentation: X-Y, strip-chart, 3D C-Scan, waterfall

VIRAT array probe for tubesheets